
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tribes of Muriwhenua

This week I have been creating a slide about the tribes of Muriwhenua. There is Te Rarawa, Te Aupori, Ngai Takoto, Ngati Kuri and Ngati Kahu. My favorite part was finding the answers for all of the questions. 

Monday, November 26, 2018

Fire saftey

This week I was creating a poster about fire safety. My favorite part was writing/drawing everything onto the cartridge. My 3 main points about fire safety were, checked your fire alarms, stop, drop and get out and call 111. 

Thursday, November 22, 2018

The naming of Te Hapua

For the past few weeks, I have been working on an animation to re-tell the story of how Te Hapua got its name. It was firstly named Te Hopua meaning - a large pond, and then it was changed to Te Hapua meaning - a depot.    

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Google docs ninja challenge

In the past few weeks, we have been doing our ninja challenge. I learned a lot of new things like hot to use add-ons, and add hyperlinks. I found creating a table of contents challenging, and my favorite part was adding an add-on.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

2018 camp

In week 3 of term 4, rooms 3 and 4 went to camp, in Whangaruru at a place called The Farm. We were there for 4 days, it was so fun, we learned a lot of new games. We even did motorbike riding, mud runs, kayaking, horse riding, raft building, night games, and even more fun activities.

Monday, October 22, 2018

About me

For reading, I have made a little slideshow with some things about me. I am interested in, sports, the outdoors, farming, and motorbike riding.

Monday, October 15, 2018

The tsunami

Last term for writing, I wrote a story off pobble 365. First I had to find an image that I could write about them I came up with some ideas and put it into a story. This story is about a girl and her family who were in a tsunami. Next time I would like to try and write a story with more detail, and I found putting all my ideas into a story challenging. 

The tsunami

It was 7:00 o’clock in the morning, I woke up to a loud siren. I had heard that siren before it was a tsunami warning. I woke my family up, and we went to grab the pets and packed as much as we could. We quickly rang some family and friends as we hopped in the car to make sure they knew there was a tsunami warning going off and for them to leave as soon as possible.

We rushed to the car and drove as fast as we could, mum turned on the radio so we could hear the news. “All people evacuate their homes now a tsunami is approaching,” the reporter said. As we entered the city there was traffic everywhere, horns were going off, people were running around, there were even people driving on the footpath.

 It had been an hour of ongoing traffic. Mum turned on the radio we were told the tsunami was arriving real soon. So we all started freaking out. We had just got onto the bridge, “oh no,” said Dad, “what's wrong,” I asked, “we are too late it is here”. The giant wave was forming, “I love you”, were the last words I said. I can only remember seeing my parents drift away unconscious.

And that was my experience with a tsunami. My pets and I were the only ones who survived, but those memories will always be in my mind. I laid down on the couch with my dog next to me and my cat lying in front of the fire. I switched on the TV and put on the news, all I heard was, “everyone leave now - a tsunami is coming!”

Image result for the tsunami pobble 365
By Riley